So- how do you play
(if you want to)?
I will be sending out an email with short Spotify and Apple Music playlists of newly released songs, curated with an orientation toward genre diversity, pop culture significance, quality and what is likely to be a hit.
If you wish to vote, you have two options:
1) Voting on the Playlist site. At the bottom of the playlist there is a Comment Section for voting and comments, or
2) Emailing your votes to me.
Please vote for your top 4 favorites in order (#4, #3, #2, #1).
Votes are due on the 2nd Saturday after playlist release (for instance April 6 for the March 24, 2024 playlist)
I will then post the vote winners that Sat/Sun- and recognize the Neuphorians who voted for the winners! And if you are so inspired, you can take a page from Becca Sheehan book and dance to the winners. 😊
The top song will get carried over to the next biweekly playlist.